Definition of Roles & Responsibilities
1 Introduction
- Although the Club’s purpose and general business operations are defined in the Constitution, there is very little detail given regarding the Roles and Responsibilities of the Committee and its members.
- It is not considered necessary to amend the Constitution in this respect, however, for pragmatic reasons, it is deemed appropriate that the general roles and responsibilities of Committee members is documented, understood and accepted by the Committee.
2 Role of the Committee
2.1 To uphold the ‘Objects’ of the Club: ‘To advance the physical well-being, personal development and leisure activities of people over the age of 6 years by providing facilities for and encouraging their participation in Judo and other sports related activities’ as stated in the Club Constitution.
2.2 To attend Committee meetings on a regular basis.
2.3 Committee members are expected to assist with any task required for preparing and managing Club events.
3 Roles and responsibilities of Committee Members
3.1 Chairperson
3.1.1 Leadership of the Club, forming and carrying vision for the Club and leading the Committee towards achieving the aims of the Club.
3.1.2 Responsible to the membership for acting within the bounds of the Constitution in overseeing all aspects of decision making and running of the Club.
3.1.3 Chair General and Committee meetings.
3.1.4 Ensure that adequate financial records are kept.
3.1.5 Maintain adequate Battle Hill Judo Club records and take care of Battle Hill Judo Club property.
3.2 Secretary
3.2.1 Administrative support to the Committee and first point of contact for other organisations or individuals for the Club.
3.2.2 In the absence of the Chairperson the Secretary will chair committee meetings.
3.2.3 Maintain minutes of Committee meetings, correspondence and actions taken by the Chairperson or the Committee, Set Agendas with the Chairperson.
3.2.4 Inform the Committee and any other relevant person(s) of the time and venue of meetings.
3.2.5 Distribute information to members/other officers.
3.2.6 Maintain an up-to-date list of members (names, post & e-mail addresses, telephone numbers and any medical issues relevant to their participation in the sport of Judo).
3.2.7 Collect subs from members at the Battle Hill Judo Club sessions and give receipts for these funds.
3.3 Treasurer
3.3.1 Open or maintain a bank account in the Battle Hill Judo Club’s name and arrange for all transactions to be signed by any two Committee members who have been authorised by the bank as joint signatories.
3.3.2 Approve all budget expenditures. Check all disbursements against budget allowances and pay bills by cheque.
3.3.3 Approve all expenses claims (checking for adherence to Committee terms)
3.3.4 Bank all monies (subs etc.) collected by the secretary at Club sessions.
3.3.5 Keep up-to-date financial records. Enter all income and expenditures under the proper budget item in the finance section of Battle Hill Judo Club record books.
3.3.6 Periodically report on Battle Hill judo Club’s financial condition at Committee meetings.
3.3.7 Arrange for an annual independent audit of accounts.
3.3.8 Present examined accounts at the AGM.
3.4 Welfare Officer
3.4.1 Assist the Club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people at club level.
3.4.2 Assist the Club to implement its Child Protection Plan at club level.
3.4.3 Be the first point of contact for coaches/volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse is suspected.
3.4.5 Be responsible for following the British Judo association’s policy and procedures, in particular the reporting procedures (i.e. ensuring that appropriate records are maintained, the information is assessed promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information about the matter as appropriate).
3.4.6 Consulting with a statutory child protection agency to test out any doubts or uncertainty about any concerns as soon as possible.
3.4.7 Make a formal referral to a statutory child protection agency e.g. social services department or the police without delay as it is NOT the role of the Club to decide whether a child has been abused or not.
3.4.8 Report the concerns to the British Judo Association Lead Child Protection Officer.
3.4.9 Be the first point of contact with the National Lead Child Protection Officer.
3.4.1 Maintain contact details for local Social Services, Police and how to obtain the Area Child Protection Committee’s policy/procedures.
3.4.11 Promote the Club’s best practice guidance/code of conduct within the Club i.e. promoting anti-discriminatory practice.
3.4.12 Promote and ensure adherence to the Club’s Child Protection training plan.
3.4.13 Ensure that everyone is aware of what training is available and work with the Club Committee to ensure that training requirements are met.
3.4.14 Ensure confidentiality is maintained alongside the Club’s Committee.
3.4.15 Attended the ‘Good Practice and child Protection’ 3hr workshop and also the NSPCC ‘A time to Listen’ training course.
3.5 Assistant Welfare Officer
3.5.1 Be a second point of contact in the club for the welfare Officer and assist the welfare Officer in their duties.
3.5.2 Adhere to all of the Welfare Officer’s roles and responsibilities as detailed in section 3.4 above.
3.5.3 Attended the ‘Good Practice and child Protection’ 3hr workshop and also the NSPCC ‘A time to Listen’ training course.
3.6 Events Co-ordinator
3.6.1 Review forthcoming competitions/courses and inform Club members of date, time and entry fees.
3.6.2 Liaise with event organisers to request entry forms for the competitions/courses.
3.6.3 Complete entry forms with the relevant details of all who want to participate in the event and collect all entry fees.
3.6.4 Ensure that the entry forms are returned on time with the relevant entry fees to the organiser of the event.
3.6.5 Promote and co-ordinate all Club events i.e. competitions, courses etc.
3.6.6 Promote and co-ordinate all fund raising events.
4 Role of Non-Committee Members
4.1 Student Representative
4.1.1 To act as a liaison between the members/players of Battle Hill Judo Club and the Committee.
4.1.2 To ensure that the needs and wants of the members/players are fully expressed to the Committee.
4.2 Senior Club Coach
4.2.1 To pass on his/her knowledge to others in a clear and understandable way.
4.2.2 The coach must be a good planner, be confident, be able to motivate, be dedicated and show some degree of humility.
4.2.3 To keep abreast of new ideas which have been formulated by others (from other coaches and a good reference library).
4.2.4 To prepare short and long range plans for class sessions and preclude the possibility of stagnation and the danger of constant repetition.
4.2.5 To reflect a positive attitude to students, with ability to motivate.
4.2.6 To exercise good judgement in explaining and teaching the requirements for advancement in Judo rank.
4.2.7 To ensure students learn all aspects of the Martial Art i.e. Techniques, Kata, Refereeing, Coaching, History and Terminology.
4.2.8 To review forthcoming competition or course opportunities with the events Co-ordinator.